Explorer Scouts are young people, aged between 14 and 18 years old. They make up the fifth section of the Scouting family.
Subs and event fees
Subs for the Explorer Unit are set at £180 a year, payable as £15 a month which covers weekly meetings and the annual Scout insurance and registration fee. The subs are paid monthly by Direct Debit, through a system called Online Scout Manager (which goes through GoCardless).
We try to keep our subs as low as possible. so that anyone can come to Explorers. If you need help paying subs, please speak to your leader.
Fees for events are charged in addition to subs based on the cost of the event.
Keeping in touch
We have a WhatsApp group and a Facebook group for parents/carers only. Please join so that you can receive the latest information and access photos from events.